A lovely evening stroll down the boulevard in Montreal, with churches on the mount and fleur-de-lis banners rippling in the night wind. Along the snow-covered streets a female quartet plays jazz music for the shoppers and intrigued felines. This romantic Canadian city, full of architecture and delicious food, is one that everyone should visit in the snowy winter months. Illustrated by the Swiss artist Caroline Bonne Muller.
Caroline Bonne Muller was born in France and grew up in the Netherlands, where she studied Fashion Design in Amsterdam and worked for 14 years as a fashion designer. Caroline and her three children have lived in Spain and Malaysia, but now reside in Switzerland, overlooking a lake and mountains! She is a published illustrator who strives to celebrate life in her work. To relax, Caroline walks in the morning through the fields, talking to cows or sheep along the way, and lettering her thoughts flow.
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