Magnatab Free Draw


Playskool Magnatab Free Draw – educational, from PlayMonster

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The Original Magnatab was designed with the Montessori learning style in mind, creating a sensory-based creative play experience. Using the magnetic stylus, children pull the beads up to the surface to draw pictures, letters, numbers and shapes. In doing this, they feel the pull of the magnets, hear their clicking sound, and see what they are drawing. The beads are magically “erased” when pushed down by the tip of a finger or the swipe of the side of the stylus. The tablet features easy storage for the magnetic stylus, which clicks securely into place. Great for use at home or in the classroom!

Manufacturer SKU6320
Weight 0.8 lbs
Dimensions 5.32 × 6.4 × 7.83 in




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